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Legacy endpoints

Legacy endpoints are not supported and are not on the roadmap.

The end-goal of this library is to eventually support all OpenAI API routes. See the roadmap for more information.

Route Supported Streaming Supported Route Type
Create speech - -
Create transcription - -
Create translation - -
Create chat completion Stateless
Create embedding - Stateless
Create fine-tuning job - -
List fine-tuning jobs - -
List fine-tuning events - -
List fine-tuning checkpoints - -
Retrieve fine-tuning job - -
Cancel fine-tuning - -
Create batch - -
Retrieve batch - -
Cancel batch - -
List batch - -
Upload file - Stateful
List files - Stateful
Retrieve file - Stateful
Delete file - Stateful
Retrieve file content - Stateful
Create image - -
Create image edit - -
Create image variation - -
List models - Stateful
Retrieve model - Stateful
Delete a fine-tuned model - -
Create moderation - Stateless
Create assistant - Stateful
List assistants - Stateful
Retrieve assistant - Stateful
Modify assistant - Stateful
Delete assistant - Stateful
Create thread - Stateful
Retrieve thread - Stateful
Modify thread - Stateful
Delete thread - Stateful
Create message - Stateful
List messages - Stateful
Retrieve message - Stateful
Modify message - Stateful
Delete message - Stateful
Create run Stateful
Create thread and run Stateful
List runs - Stateful
Retrieve run - Stateful
Modify run - Stateful
Submit tool outputs to run Stateful
Cancel run - Stateful
Run Steps
List run steps - Stateful
Retrieve run step - Stateful
Vector Stores
Create vector store - Stateful
List vector stores - Stateful
Retrieve vector store - Stateful
Modify vector store - Stateful
Delete vector store - Stateful
Vector Store Files
Create vector store file - Stateful
List vector store files - Stateful
Retrieve vector store file - Stateful
Delete vector store file - Stateful
Vector Store File Batches
Create vector store file batch - Stateful
Retrieve vector store file batch - Stateful
Cancel vector store file batch - Stateful
List vector store files in a batch - Stateful