
Configure Python's native logging library using pyproject.toml

View the Project on GitHub mharrisb1/logging518

👩‍🍳 Cookbook

This cookbook will use examples from the Logging Cookbook to show how you would accomplish the same configuration with a TOML file.

Using Logging in Multiple Modules


Note: Added mode functionality by setting propagate to False to make sure the log only appears once.

# pyproject.toml
version = 1

class = "logging.Formatter"
format = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"

level = "DEBUG"
class = "logging.FileHandler"
file = "spam.log"
formatter = "formatter"

level = "ERROR"
class = "logging.StreamHandler"
formatter = "formatter"

level = "DEBUG"
handlers = ["fh", "ch"]

propagate = false

propagate = false